Contest Queen

As of today I have dubbed myself The Contest Queen!

My friend Alyson over at Miss Free-Bee (also on Facebook Here) has got me hooked on Facebook contests!
She hosts a monthly give away on her blog, which got me started. She’s a part of my baby group (The September Snugglebugs!) on Facebook (we all have babies who were due in September 2011, we migrated from and have been happily settled on a private Facebook group for some time now!) She was advertising for her blog contest on the group so I entered…. And I won!

The photo in my previous blog entry features a photo of Miranda wearing a purple/blue/pink tutu. I totally won that from Lopez Creations! Epicness!

Thanks to Alyson I am also addicted to an etsy shop called My Belle Boutique. She makes and sells beautiful personalized necklaces (and now bracelets!) Well, she was having a 50% off sale, where I snatched up 2 necklaces and a bracelet (one necklace and one bracelet were gifts!) and during that sale she also had a “share” contest. Every hour was another sale for the entire day. Each sale you “shared” on Facebook got you an entry in a drawing to win $30 store credit. Over 450 entries and who goes and wins? That’s right! Me! I ordered a bracelet for myself with the names and birthstones of my family 🙂 It will be very patriotic with my red “garnet” and Allison and The Husband with their “diamonds” and of course Miranda my little “sapphire!”

The first necklace I bought from My Belle Boutique. It features "diamonds" for Allison (born in April) and "sapphires" for Miranda (born in September) and features their full names. The photo does not do it justice!

Pretty lucky, right? OK, so then let’s add the fact that I just found out I won another contest!
This one was from Tracie’s Giveaway Finds and got me a “Mystery Prize Package” valued at $25 from Crystal’s Sweet Imagination Boutique. Her stuff is adorable! I’m so excited to find out what’s in my mystery package!!!!

So I figure I’m not going to win anything else for a while, until I happen to stumble onto another Facebook page where I’d entered to win a $25 Shutterfly Gift Card…. Yep, won that one, too! Now I can order some prints and start my girls’ scrapbooks thanks to Baby’s Inspired Creations!

I’ve got some other entries in place. Mostly in Alyson’s Miss Free-Bee “March Gift-A-Way” over on Facebook!
In less-than-awesome, non-contest related news, my poor little Allison came down with the stomach flu Sunday night. She spent all of yesterday and today puking. We couldn’t even get water or pedialite to stay down! In the end, in an act of desperation, I gave her a small amount of expressed breastmilk because breastmilk is so amazing “it can cure cancer!” (OK, it can’t really, but it does have amazing healing properties!) Sure enough, she was able to keep that down!!! Since then she’s had a little bit of bread and has been sipping at some apple juice and water. We’re hoping tomorrow she’ll be able to stomach some more “real” food. She’s afraid to eat because she thinks she’s going to throw up again. My poor baby!

Isn't this the most pathetic thing you've ever seen? She's passed out cold on the living room floor, eyes still half open. My brother used to sleep that way, too!

As for the baby, she’s doing great and has thankfully not come down with the bug Allison has!
Tonight she enjoyed some “Squashacado” (aka Butternut Squash mixed with Avocado!) which she loved and giggled every time the spoon entered her mouth! She also had pear but really, the “Squashacado” was the highlight of her night!

Miranda loves to eat! Tonight she ate squash and avocado mixed together (Squashacado!)