My Little Model

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but I went to school and got my degree in photography, so of course, as a mother of two young girls I love taking photos of them! I’ve even just gotten them into boutique modeling! So far I’ve only photographed items that I’ve won or purchased, but eventually I’ll be able to receive items for free or for a discounted price in exchange for model photos.

One of the boutiques I will have my girls modeling for is my very own! My sister Katie and I have decided to go into the bow making business and have started our own business through Facebook over at Enchanting Elegance by K & C

Today my 5 year old Allison and I had our very own photoshoot in the backyard to show off some of my bows, as well as some sweet legwarmers we purchased from A Pocket Full of Sunshine Boutique


More Projects!

I know, I know! I’ve been MIA for soooo long!!!

Things have been pretty darn busy here!
The month of April brought us two birthday parties for my daughter Allison. She turned 5 on April 14 and we celebrated on her birthday by inviting all of our immediate family over for burgers on the grill. We had a fun time! The highlight of our day? The giant teddy bear my brother in law bought for her!!! We love it!

Allison and Miranda both love the giant teddy bear from Uncle Kyle!

The second birthday party didn’t come until this past Sunday. We invited my three nieces and all  of the girls from Allison’s class at preschool. We ended up with 8 little girls in our house for a tea party! It was a lot of fun. We served REAL tea, which all but one of the girls hated! (I’m not going to lie, I thought it was pretty gross, too!!!) After that everyone was served water or apple juice. They spent a lot of time running around the house and running around the yard! Thankfully I had my sister Katie and my sister in law Jennifer around to help out!!!

All of the girls at Allison’s tea party birthday party!

The table set for the tea party!

In addition to all of that chaos, I don’t believe I’ve mentioned this, but I work for a small publishing company designing book covers and maintaining the website. At the end of April, not only did we release NINE books but we also launched a Young Adult website with another book! If you’re a reader be sure to check out Melange Books and the YA site Fire and Ice.

You can also find us on Facebook! Melange here:
And Fire and Ice here:

So, I’m still working on completing my bow holders for the girls…. but hopefully I’ll get around to finishing soon!!!
I have been making bows now though! My sister and I have started our own little side business to sell bows and other items. You can find us on Facebook here: Enchanting Elegance by K & C 

I made these last night! LOVE them! Pig tail bows!

One of the first bows I made! LOVE this one!

AND….. My newest project!!!

$5.36 desk from Goodwill!!!!

This desk set me back a whopping $5.36 at the Goodwill! I’m SO excited for it! My friend Jamie introduced me to DIY chalk paint! You mix Plaster of Paris with paint and voila! No need to sand and prime! I’m obviously going to remove the stickers that are stuck on the desk, but I’m going to paint this baby PURPLE! I’m going to use left over paint from when we painted Allison’s bedroom (which is now the playroom!) and my bedroom. The playroom is a vibrant purple from a “Barbie” line of paint – called “Girls Night.” The paint in my bedroom is a very soft purple, almost white. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it’s very pretty. I’m so excited for this project! I think I’m going to head to Michael’s tomorrow to get the Plaster of Paris and get this party started! I can’t wait to see how this turns out! 🙂 Oh! And a friend suggested letting Allison put hand prints on it and I thought it was a great idea! So I’m going to have her hand print parts of it and put Miranda’s foot prints on other parts (since she obviously can’t make a good hand print at only 8 months old!!!)